Devika Dhar Psychotherapy Integrative Psychotherapist in Edinburgh

Consultation to Organisations working with Trauma

Reflective Space / Work Discussion

The purpose of reflective space or work discussion is to support staff groups and members of staff teams to reflect on the feelings and behaviours of the children or adults that they work with and to think about the impact of the emotional demands of the work on themselves. The sessions help staff to think about the feeling of what it is like to be with their client or clients, the meaning behind their behaviour, what goes on under the surface level or the unconscious communication. Together we can think about what the client might be communicating, which often includes re-enactments of earlier trauma. When staff can use this understanding in their approaches to the everyday life struggles of their clients, they find they are able to manage high levels of distress and anxiety.

The discussions can help staff and managers to think about dynamics and identify unhelpful defensive practices within the organisation that can develop as a way of coping with unbearable aspects of working with clients who have experienced or are experiencing trauma.

What I Offer. Mallards flying

I am also able to provide a combination of psychoanalytic observation and consultation where this is appropriate to the setting. This provides a thoughtful and non-judgemental approach that facilitates relationships where staff and the clients they work with can feel supported and understood.

Reflective space consultation can include:

  • Individual reflective space.
  • Reflective space for groups of staff across the organisation.
  • Contributions to key team meetings.
  • Work with parents alongside the assessment and planning done by the staff.
  • Work alongside keyworkers.
  • Contributions to pre-placement, review, and post-placement meetings.
  • Contributions to assessment and planning work and case discussion.

  • Support to staff members as requested.


I have a lot of years of experience of supervising counsellors and therapists at various stages of their training and qualified practice. By reflecting on the internal and external world of the client in a supportive but gently challenging relationship, I can help therapists to think about the felt experience of working with their clients and the unconscious communication between therapist and clients. This can help therapists to identify areas for their own personal growth and professional development.
My approach is mainly Psychodynamic but I do draw on my Integrative Psychotherapy training as well.

I am currently only working online via Zoom as a result of the pandemic.

What I Offer. Bird Flying


I have been practicing for over twenty years and I have worked in a variety of settings - NHS, private practice and voluntary sector.
I am UKCP registered to work with adults and children, and a member of APPCIOS.

I am an Integrative Psychotherapist and this way of working brings together theoretical approaches that have been proven either through observation or neuro-science. I have also done an MSc in Psychodynamic Observation and Reflective Practice (therapeutic skills working with children and adolescents) so I apply a good deal of psychodynamic thinking in my approach.

I have been a trainer and supervisor of MSc psychotherapy students, have worked for a number of years as a school counsellor, and am currently working in a school for children with emotional and behavioural difficulties where I use a mixture of psychoanalytic observation and reflective space discussion to support the staff in their work with the children.

I also provide the following services:

What I Offer. Beach

  • Supervision and work discussion for individuals and teams in care and education establishments.
  • Therapeutic support to fostering and adoption parents.
  • Online discussion groups and training on “Understanding Race from a Psychodynamic Perspective” for APPCIOS.

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